Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Call To Arms

 I know the title was borrowed from Ernest Hemingway, I sure he wont mind. Well here we are again watching how some sick bastard goes on a killing spree, only this time most of his victims were small kindergarden aged children. . Have you ever noticed that these kids doing all this killing are not inner city kids. They are kids that seem to have pretty much everthing in material comforts anyway? So why are these poor little upper middle class kids so angry? Well  i've said it before and i'll say it again, the first and maybe the most important is that in this country it takes both parents working just to provide the things that in the fifties and sixties , seventys one person could do. So now nobody is at home raising these kids, they have no architypes teaching them right from wrong, So where are they learning all this violence, you already know the answer. Hollywood movies, Violent video games, and the internet. Now then, i know after seeing what just happened a couple of days ago may have a lot of people thinking our government should outlaw guns. I believe this would be one of the biggest mistakes we could make. You have to understand this government of ours has way to much power as it is. And if you look at its track record the results are quite grimm. Have we one the war on drugs after spending billions of our tax dollars? No i dont think so and i honestly dont believe they really want too, because it would put a lot of people out of work not to mention a huge loss in revenue that is used to fund secret most likely illigal activities by our C.I.A. Well what about immigration  are they solving that problem. "I dont think so". and the list goes on and on of how our government seems to be incapable of doing anything it says its going to do.  Do we really want to our lives in the hands of these people who dont give a crap about working class america? And i know you have all heard this before how when firearms are illegal only criminals will have them. I really dont know why that simple little statment is so hard to understand. Folks i lived in Mexico for about three years and i have seen it with my own eyes, and you have seen it on t.v. that little statement is one hundred percent true. In mexico it is illegal to own firearms, so only criminals and police, have them and there is not much difference between the three. When guns are illegal it will only drive the black market price up, and criminals will still have them , and our government will have yet another war to spend billions of our tax dollars on. And we will be unarmed and at the mercy of  local police and by the time it takes them to get to your house, if your life is in danger, you will already be dead. And you could say that you died of ignorance for putting your life in the hands of our government. So what can we do about all this violence. The first thing i believe is. Someone has to stay home and raise the children. Stop letting your minor children play violent video games, and limit and supervise they're internet time. Know your child watch for signs of violence. Teach your kids right from wrong and stop assuming they already know. write to our government officials and tell them to stop our part in all the violence stop the wars. Start teaching in schools and at home the value of Peace and respect for all living things. Stop all this hating of people just because they maybe different than you. Replace all this Racism and and classism with Love ans respect. And Practice this old African proverb that says anyone can have a child but it takes the whole village to raise them.                                                                                                                                                                                              Change  wont be easy it never is . Some of you my think I cant possibly give up my job, we'd never make it. You will survive, your childs life, and the future we leave for them is way more important than any material item you could ever own. Go on food stamps if you have to our government created this mess let help you clean it up. They give away billions of your tax dollars to countries you've never even heard of everyday. So why not demand they give a little something our way. It is a sacrifice you will have to make. Ask yourself what is more important. I think most of us would give out lives for children. So do what you have to do to keep your family safe and healthy, And stop thinking that our government will solve all our problems, especially since they are the root of most the bad things that happen in the world to day. Do not put your fate in the hands of people who are not even qualified to wipe there own asses. They dont have the answers or the inclination to to solve even the smallest problems in the world today. Take control of these monkeys and make them realize that they work for us, we dont work for them. I dont claim to have all the answers, i never have. But i do think that true change has to start from the inside and work its way out and trusting our government to solve our problems is like putting, having a five year old child do your taxes. So in closing i would just like to say to the family's that have lost there loved ones in this recent act of violence that i am truely sorry for your losses and my prayers are with you. Peace be with you..

Saturday, September 8, 2012


              It seems like every couple of years or so we Americans enter into heated arguments about gun control and making firearms illegal . I know, you have probably heard or read on some bumper sticker that the day guns are outlawed only outlaws will have them. Well friends if you do not believe this all you have to do is take a drive down south to Mexico and see for yourselves. I lived there for three years and can honestly tell you, that without a doubt that it is absolutely true. Only murdering mafiosos and law enforcement officials have them, and there is virtually no distinction between the two. Now then, what I am about to say now will surely have you anti-gun people in an uproar, but listen closely to what i am saying and think about it with an open mind. WE DO NOT HAVE A GUN PROBLEM.  What we do have is a VIOLENCE AND LACK OF RESPECT FOR HUMAN LIFE PROBLEM, that stems from many different reasons. the first is both parents are working and no one is at home raising your kids. The second i believe is  Hollywood and the way they  make murdering innocent people look so darn cool. Because of their lack of creativity they have to resort to shock value to sell tickets. The only problem with that is , when you've seen ten or twenty thousand murders on film they  tend to loose their shock value, and teaches your kids that its no big deal to go out and blow someone brains out. The third is the internet, want to make a bomb just go to your p.c.and find out how  You can go to u-tube or even face book and find gruesome videos of real people getting tortured , beaten, and shot in the head, like its no big deal , brought to your childrens P.C. screen all via the internet. One example of the movies i'm talking about is a movie called God Bless America, that features a man that lost his job. And also has a brain tumor so he decides he is going to go out and kill  inocent people that he deems unworthy of life. On his first kill he picks up a fan that is a teenage girl who thinks what he is doing is so cool. So they team up and start a killing spree. Now dosent that sound really funny, because its listed in genre as a comedy.This is the kind of crap that your kids see in one form or another everyday. It might it might surprise you to know that i  am not a gun owner, but if they ever make the right to own one illegal that,s the day i will go out and buy one because i believe thats when we all will need them the most.  And last but not least, Violent Video Games. I cant count the number of times i have seen my relatives kids playing violent video games that range anywhere from car jacking to murder even picking up prostitutes. All of these games have a rating on them just like the movies and just like the movies no one really pays much attention to them.  So now then, is it really so surprising to us all ; when some kid with a chemical imbalance and a low self esteem picks up a gun and goes off on a killing rampage. By now you are probably thinking so what can we do to stop all this violence.  Education  and the promotion of peace and respect for all life forms is a good place to start. Also if you and your spouse are both working one of you should quit!!!! Thats right just quit, change your priorities and quit. Even if  you have to go on food stamps your childs life is worth way more than that new pair of sneakers and designer labels and cell phones you buy for them. You might be thinking my familys not going to be living off the government. Well  guess what? They created this problem with the economy and cost of living sky-rocketing, so if   we can pay for a war and a space program. Let them flip the bill for helping you raise a healthy mentally balanced child. The answer to this violence problem is not an easy one; but taking away someones constitutional right to own a firearm will only cause a person who decides to go on a killing spree to use something else. The next best thing in these sick minded people would be building a bomb, and if that happens its going to take away a lot more lives than a firearm can. We have to come together as a society and promote peace and acceptance of all customs and religions and races and any other differences we my have before we can expect to see any real changes, and that starts at home teaching our children right from wrong, love and respect. If we fail it will, someday i think surely be the end of civilization and eventually mankind. We are our own worst enemys!!!.  So in closing i will just say that if we do not address the hate and violence problems that we have all around the world, making fire arms illegal will really not make any difference. So in the words of my Favorite Rasta man Bob Marley "ONE LOVE. ONE LIFE, LETS GET TOGETHER AND FEEL ALRIGHT'  peace out Y'all.